Focus & Scope

JBES (Jurnal Basic Education Skills) is an international, open access, multidisciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is online publishes two times in a year. JBES (Jurnal Basic Education Skills) distributes articles that relate to both meta-analysis (include systematical review) and research and their suggestions for teaching and learning in primary school. Moreover, JBES (Jurnal Basic Education Skills) presents articles that relate the most recent research in teacher education, children development, psychology of learning, inclusion, special education, teaching strategy and innovation, and educational assessment that all related to primary education.

Case studies are articles compiled by education that provide details of educational cases. These cases are usually cases that make a significant contribution to knowledge in the field. This article is expected to discuss:
1. Development and Design of Learning.
2. Learn Strategy in Elementary Education.
3. Evaluation of learning in Basic Education.
4. Management of basic education in Basic Education.
5. Inclusive Education in Basic Education.
6. Integration and interconnection-based research in basic education.
7. Teacher Professionalism in Primary Education.
8. Utilization of digital information and technology in Basic Education.