Current Issue

Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JBES (Jurnal Basic Education Skills)

JBES (Journal Basic Education Skills) is a collection of scientific articles resulting from research and literature reviews of teachers, lecturers and other educational practitioners related to education in elementary schools. This journal has coverage that discusses the study of Learning Models, Learning Media, Teaching Materials, School Management, and matters related to elementary school education. Published every April, August and December

Published: 2024-08-06
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JBES (Journal Basic Education Skills) merupakan kumpulan dari artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian maupun kajian pustaka guru, dosen, dan praktisi pendidikan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan di sekolah dasar. Jurnal ini memiliki cakupan yang membahas tentang kajian Model Pembelajaran, Media Pembelajaran, Bahan Ajar, Manajemen Sekolah. Jurnal ini terbit setiap bulan April, Agustus, dan Desember.